Planting Season Will Soon Be Upon Us

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Remember each household is legally able to grow 4 plants.

Auto-flower versus Photosensitive – what is an auto-flower seed/plant 

Auto-flowering cannabis or day neutral cannabis varieties automatically switch from vegetative growth to the flowering stage based on age, as opposed to the ratio of light to dark hours required with photoperiod dependent/short-day strains.

We do currently have Feminized Auto-Flower Seeds in stock.

We will only carry feminized seeds.  Trying to ‘weed’ out males is not an easy task and can ruin your entire grow.

Photosensitive Plants

Photo-sensitive cannabis refers to a variety of cannabis that respond to changes in light exposure. These plants use light as a signal to transition from one growth stage to another.

Photosensitive Plants are the most common for newbies and seasoned growers alike.  In simple terms, cannabis plants will go into flower based on our days getting shorter.  By about the 3rd week of August, you will see changes and this is when they go into flower.  Generally harvested or ‘crop out’ around thanksgiving.  

For those thinking about trying to grow your own plants this year, we now have seeds in stock.  Now is the time to start planning.  You want to germinate your seeds going about 6-8 weeks before the May long weekend.  I buy earlier than later.  We always see those folks looking for seeds and everyone is sold out. 

Providing a light source when starting indoors – if you are starting your seeds indoors (which I recommend) you will need a light source and a timer.  The timer will need to be set to a minimum of 18 – 24 hours of light per day.  Alternatively, you can germinate your seeds later (let’s say May).  This is important because you want your plants good and strong to go into pots or the ground.  Our spring weather can also be sketchy so if planting in the ground you will want to wait until the weather is stable.  Plants will need to ‘harden off’. 

Hardening off is the process of gradually exposing plants to outdoor conditions like wind, sunlight, and rain. It’s an important step for plants that were started indoors. 

Germinating SEEDS

You are certainly welcome to try your luck at simply putting the seed into a cup and watering… and wait and see what happens.  My method however is as follows:

  • Soak your seeds in water in a shot glass for 24 hours.  The seed(s) will float.  The next morning poke the seed and it should sink. 
Figure 1 – Seed is floatingFigure 2 – Seed has sunk to bottom 1
  • Get a paper towel and a sandwich bag.   Dampen the paper towel with water and place the seed on the wet towel.  Fold the paper towel over the seed and place in the baggie.  Do NOT seal the baggie. 
Figure 3 – Place seed on wet PTFigure 4 – Cover Seed & Place in Baggie
  • Place the baggie in an area where you won’t forget about it.  You need to make sure the paper towel remains damp.  Check Daily.  Within a few days the seeds will have germinated.  The warmer the area you place the bag, the quicker they will pop.  For example; the top of your fridge is a warm area.  But do not forget about it!  If your seeding dries out it’s done.
Figure 5 – Germination has begunFigure 6 – Seedling Ready to Plant 
  • Your seedlings are now ready for planting.
  • Plant in a solo cup or small beginner pot and use a decent potting mix.  When putting seedlings into the soil make sure it’s fairly deep.  You don’t want lanky seedlings.  Do NOT overwater.  And do NOT let them get too dry.  Lift the cup or pot and if it is light in weight, water, if it is not leave be.
  • Depending on our spring, you will want to plant once we have no frost.  If it’s a late spring, put your plants outside daily and once weather has stabilized put in the ground.  Make sure you plant in full sun.
Figure 7 – Potted SeedingFigure 8 – Potted Seelings

These plants will more than be ready to go outside in spring.  


Feed your plants like you’d feed your tomato plants – I say this because it’s simple you can get very involved in nutrients etc., however keep it simple.  If your plants are in the ground very little feeding needs to be done.  In a pot, you will need to fertilize.

Indica, Sativa or Hybrid

“The often-applied rule of thumb is that sativa is more invigorating and energizing, while indica is more relaxing.”  Hybrid being somewhere in the middle.

Indica vs. Sativa vs. Hybrid: Understanding Cannabis Strain ...

I will post updated photos of my seedlings as we ‘grow’ along.  


Janet Gilliver

Nature’s Haze , Manager

- The Nature's Haze Team

Nature’s Haze is a premier cannabis dispensary located in Aurora, Ontario, dedicated to providing our customers with the best possible cannabis experience. Our knowledgeable and passionate staff are committed to helping our customers explore the many benefits of cannabis, and we are committed to promoting the safe and responsible use of cannabis.


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Planting Season Will Soon Be Upon Us

Remember each household is legally able to grow 4 plants. Auto-flower versus Photosensitive – what is an auto-flower seed/plant  Auto-flowering cannabis or day neutral cannabis

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